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Ask me anything

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Got a question you want answered on @talkwithzach? Teens from all over the world have been sending in questions, and it turns out that most of us are dealing with the same kinds of things–from breakups to college pressure, friendship dilemmas to gender, dealing with parents to dealing with social media–and want to talk more about them. 

So ask me anything...really.

Whatever you think our generation needs to have conversations about. I’ll bring in experts, influencers, and other teens for IG lives where we share our thoughts on your questions and you can also join the conversation. 

Oh, and all submissions are anonymous.

I only ask for general demographic info in order to understand our reach and impact.

Remember that we’re just teens who think we should talk more, not experts, and you should always go to a qualified adult if you have concerns about something in your life.

If you’re interested in press inquiries, speaking engagements, or partnership ideas, visit my contact page here

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